PREORDERS CLOSED, ZINES IN PRODUCTION.We expect shipping to be towards the end of 2022, follow our socials for latest updates on production!
Dunwall Days & Karnaca Nights Zine
Dunwall Days & Karnaca Nights is an upcoming fanzine to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Dishonored franchise in 2022, featuring content from across the series.A fanzine (fan + magazine) is an unofficial collection of work created
by fans for fans. This project will feature art and written pieces focused
on the Dishonored series and created specifically for the zine.After our interest check (results), we decided to produce a physical product with all profits going to charity. We are also planning to produce the zine across two volumes - Dunwall Days featuring content from DH1 and the DLCs, and Karnaca Nights for pieces later in the franchise.Pre-orders are now closed and we expect to ship zines in late 2022.More information on zine content specifics will follow as the project develops. Follow us across social media to keep up to date on our progress!
Questions can be submitted to our Tumblr hereFAQ last updated: 11 Mar 2022
QUESTIONS FROM APPLICATIONSWill artworks only consist of detailed artworks of artists who are masters or will learning artists be accepted for as well?We will be accepting artists from a range of backgrounds, from professionals to self taught and we are sure to have less experienced artists join. The main criteria is of course the quality of the provided samples.Will there be regular check-ins before final submission? Yes, we will have check-ins roughly every 4 weeks.What will check-ins involve? Check ins will involve submitting your pieces so far for the mod team to have a look at. It serves as a way to ensure people are on track and mods can provide feedback and advice on the direction of pieces if and where needed. For each check in, there will be a target for the minimum amount of work expected.Any formatting guidelines for written pieces?We are looking for pieces of no more than 1500 words and with US-English spelling conventions.Do you prefer artists with social media art accounts? No preference is given for artists with or without social media accounts!I use traditional pen and ink and scan my drawings, would this be ok for when you need status updates?Yes, this would be fine for check ins!My ideas are pretty vague. Is it ok to plan more details or change parts after having a chat about it?After being accepted, we will have a few weeks to finalise pitches. During this time you can discuss your ideas and brainstorm with other contributors and the mods in our discord server. It is more than possible to change pitches from what you submit in your application, although note that not all ideas may be possible in order to ensure the zine has a range of content.Will we get physical copies of the zine?All contributors will receive copies of the zines + merch as compensation for their work, and we will be able to ship internationally.Are you going to screen our pitches and determine which we should do, or is it up to us?It depends - for some contributors, we may tell you a specific pitch to do (with some flexibility of course), for others (e.g. those with pitches featuring less common characters for example), we will let them choose which they will ultimately do. We will always be open to ideas changing as the project progresses though!What happens if I'm not able to finish my piece for any reason?We plan to be a flexible moderating team and fully understand that life gets in the way. If you have any issues meeting check in deadlines please reach out and we can try to help. If you do need to drop out, that is absolutely fine and we would just ask for plenty of notice so we can call in a pinch hitter.QUESTIONS FROM INTEREST CHECK
Will romantic content be accepted?The zine will feature content that is or closely aligns to the series canon. Moreover, we don’t want a large number of our zine pieces to focus on shipping. That said, we may accept a small number of pitches featuring canon ships. Likewise, background/implied ships may also be ok - it is all very context dependent.We will likely accept some romantic pieces - however, this would be a very small proportion of total pieces! If you have some ideas for romantic content for the zine, feel free to apply with it as one of your pitches!I've seen two Dishonored zines recently that have defaulted to free pdf. Is there an issue getting in the way that would result for charity zines getting shut down, or was that just so they could be larger projects and not have to deal with money?A charity and physical zine will involve budgeting and managing people's money - a lot of extra work, and why the current mod team will aim to recruit someone with experience in this area if we go the physical route. While our current mod team all have experience moderating fanzines, 3 out of 4 mods have only moderated free ones. If we cannot recruit an experienced finance & shipping moderator, there will be no physical zine.There is always the risk with exchanging money for fan content with such projects getting shut down - this is one of the reasons why this zine is not for profit and any profits will go to charity. However, if we still run into any issues we will resort to another free pdf zine so that the project can still go ahead. At the end of the day, we just want to celebrate Dishonored’s 10th anniversary!Physical/for-charity zines are common in fandom spaces and often there are demands for a physical zine. From past experience running free fanzines, there’s always people asking if printed copies will be available. So by offering this as a choice at this early stage, we are hoping that we can bring one to the Dishonored fandom next year 😁Will you announce which charity the money will be donated to before or after the purchase? Which charity would this zine benefit?The charity will be decided and announced before sales open so buyers know where their money will be going. While we don’t know exactly how we will decide which charity, it’ll likely be voted upon by our contributors. There is a chance we will have a suggestion box for charities, from which our contributors will vote for the charity to benefit from zine sales.How many contributors will you be accepting? Is there an upper limit?We haven’t decided on a total number of contributors yet - that will also be constrained by the final format of the zine e.g. if it is physical or digital. As a rough ball-park, probably around 30 artists and 15 writers. But this is subject to change depending on final zine format and the results of the interest check! If we opt for a larger project, we will likely need to recruit additional mods to cope with the workload.Will contributors receive physical copies for free?That is the plan! Since our contributors will be the ones making all the zine content, we want to reimburse them for their time with a copy, as well of some of the merch if possible.Will there be a Discord server for the zine?Yes! All contributors will be invited to a Discord server where they can share wips and chat with other contributors, bounce ideas off each other etc. The server already exists and is where our mods have been busy planning the zine 👀If you do make physical merch, how will it be priced?Merch will be available as part of zine bundles (e.g. you will be able to buy a copy of the zine plus merchandise), although if there is interest we may also look into selling standalone merch bundles as well.When can I expect to preorder/buy it?We haven’t figured that part out! While it would be nice to have preorders opening (or closing) on Dishonored’s 10th anniversary itself, it may also be nice to be in a position for the zines themself to be shipped/released around that date.In short, if we go down the charity route, our preliminary schedule may change to a shorter creation period to enable pre-orders in late summer/early autumn. Our current creation period is pencilled in as 6 months so we can reduce that. All this will be decided once we know if we will be doing a physical zine and once we have hired a finance & shipping mod.Will there be any sort of Kickstarter campaign for this zine?Not quite a Kickstarter, but we will open zine pre-orders probably in summer/autumn 2022. All contributors including the mod team will be working on this for free, so all we need are pre-orders to fund the zine being made.How do I submit my writing or art to the zine?EDIT: contributor applications are now closed.
We will be opening contributor applications on the 1st Feb 2022. All pieces featured in the final zine, whether it’s art or writing, will have been created exclusively for the zine during our creation period. We hope that the zine will foster creativity and encourage Dishonored fans to create new content celebrating the series!When you apply to the zine, you can submit a small sample of your work, along with a link to a larger portfolio if you wish, as well as pitches of what you would like to create for the zine if accepted. Then, after applications close, our mod team will review all applications and make a decision. If you are accepted, you will be part of the zine and can start working on your zine piece! To sum up, and clear any confusion for those who are unfamiliar with zines, the zine will feature all-new pieces created by our contributors for the zine.Can creators contribute more than one thing to the zine?That will potentially be an option! If so, we will likely cap it at 2 pieces per contributor. Final number of pieces etc. will be decided over the next few months, as our interested check finishes and the final zine format takes shape.I’ve never contributed to a zine before. Would this be a good place to start?Absolutely! We have an experienced mod team to guide you through the process and we are hoping this will be a big and fun project. We welcome applications from contributors of all experience, and previous zine experience is not needed to apply.Do the runners of this zine have prior experience with other zines/artistic projects?Most of our mods have previous experience running zines! We range in experience from 1 prior zine mod experience to many (Cyril has moderated several zines and participated in lots). Check out our mod pages here for more details!Is this only for DH1 or will Death of the Outsider & DH2 be included too?We will include pieces set around every entry in the Dishonored franchise! We’ll be looking for pitches for pieces around the first game, the DLCs, Dishonored 2, Death of the Outsider and even pieces centered around the novels or comics and maybe some inbetween. Ultimately, final pieces in the zine will reflect applicants pitches, but we hope to include a wide range.
Our preliminary schedule is here. Please note this is subject to change depending on the outcome of our interest check especially with regards to final deadline and zine release. However, we intend to stick closely to this.Precise dates for preorders, production and shipping are to be determined.
Date | Event |
19th Oct 2021 | Interest check opens |
9th Nov 2021 | Interest check closes |
1st Dec 2021 | Moderator applications open |
31st Dec 2021 | Moderator applications close |
1st Feb 2022 | Contributor applications open |
28th Feb 2022 | Contributor applications close |
14th Mar 2022 | Acceptances sent out |
27th Mar 2022 | Creation period begins |
10th Apr 2022 | Check in 1 |
8th May 2022 | Check in 2 |
5th Jun 2022 | Check in 3 |
26th Jun 2022 | Final pieces due |
26th Jul 2022 | Preorders open |
26th Aug 2022 | Preorders close |
9th Oct 2022 | Dishonored turns 10 |
Nov/Dec 2022 | Zines shipped |
Moderator Team
Here's a quick glance at who is currently running this project! We will also be recruiting more mods in December so keep an eye out for when mod applications go live 👀
Current mod team
Role: Head, art & social media modPrevious zine mod experience: Ode to the Void zine (complete), Freedom in the Dark zine (creation phase)Favourite character: daud :)Hi I’m Blue! I love Dishonored and I’m very excited to be bringing this project to life for Dishonored’s 10th anniversary 😊 This will be my third time moderating a zine (and 2nd time moderating a Dishonored zine 👀) and my 5th zine overall! I’ll be pulling the strings behind this project as well as being an art moderator and keeping our social media up to date.TUMBLR || TWITTER || INSTAGRAMCUSTYRole: Logistics modPrevious zine mod experience: Ode to the Void zine (complete)Favourite character: The Pendleton twins :)Howdy, I’m Custy! This is my second time moderating for a zine, and I’m happy to be part of another Dishonored community project :DTUMBLRCYRILRole: Graphics modPrevious zine mod experience: lots - see list hereFavourite character: Corvohello i’m cyril i’m the graphics mod for this project! i’ve participated in over 30 zines and helped mod almost 15 and have been doing zines since 2018. dishonored has been my favorite series for half a decade, and my favorite character is corvo 🦅 (there’s no crow emoji :/)TUMBLR || TWITTERMAERole: Writing moderatorPrevious zine mod experience: Cobbled Bits of Bone zineFavourite character: Teague MartinHi I'm Mae, I'm a writer and fell in love with the world of Dishonored 9 years ago! I'm fascinated by mythology and folklore, I love complicated and morally ambiguous characters, and I spend all of my free time thinking about Dishonored!TUMBLR || TWITTERSYDNEYRole: Finance & ShippingPrevious zine mod experience: lots - check it out hereFavourite character: Emily KaldwinHi, I'm Sydney! I've been a finance mod for several zines, but this is my first time doing a project for Dishonored! I'm so excited to see how this project comes together and make something wonderful!TUMBLR || TWITTERSAMANTHARole: Art moderatorPrevious zine mod experience: first time!Favourite character: The OutsiderHello my name is Samantha. I've been playing Dishonored for many years now and it's my favorite game series. I'm delighted to help contribute to the team to make something truly special to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Dishonored.INSTAGRAMASTERRole: Layout modPrevious zine mod experience: Cobbled Bits of Bone zineFavourite character: Corvo AttanoHello, I’m Aster! I lurk around in a variety of fandoms but have enjoyed Dishonored ever since I first played it back in 2017. Really excited to have the opportunity to work on another Dishonored zine and celebrate the 10th anniversary with everyone!TWITTER
interest check results
Thank you to everyone who filled in our interest check.We are overwhelmed that 276 people got in touch to tell us they’d like to see a zine for Dishonored’s 10th anniversary next year!Here is a summary of the results 😁
151 people expressed interest in contributing to the zine while 180 and 200 showed interest in buying or reading the zine
201 respondents were interested in a physical zine where proceeds would do to charity (72.8%)

Thus, subject to hiring a finance & shipping moderator, we intend to produce a physical zine, with profits going to charity
People were interested in buying a range of bundles

Most people would pay between £10-40 for a zine + merch, so we will aim for several tiers of bundles available to purchase across this range

Art - interest in a wide range of content - lots of support for character pieces, scenery, art of missions and short comics, plus other ideas from people who completed the form like: in-character and in-game style art (e.g. Delilah/Sokolov portraits of other characters), using themes and symbols from the games, technology, moments from the novels/comics, more intepretations of the different endings, unseen areas in game (e.g. Morley, Tyvia)

Writing - interest in short fics, meta analysis, in-game style text and poetry

Several people included in their interest check that they dislike when physical zines have large amounts of writing in them. The mods will be including writers in this zine to celebrate DH’s 10th anniversary as they are an integral part of the community but have noted people’s concerns about zine balance.
Merch - good interest in merch for the zine, with 88.8% of respondents interested

Good range of ideas for physical and digital merchandise that the mods will discuss regarding potential (in terms of physical production) and will make a suggestion list of possible merch for potential applicants when they apply
If you’ve reached the end of this, thank you for reading and stay tuned for further announcements!!
Contributor Guidelines
CONTRIBUTOR APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED!Before applying to be a contributor, please read the guidelines below.1. GUIDELINES:Dunwall Days & Karnaca Nights is a fan project celebrating Dishonored’s 10th anniversary in 2022. We are organising two fanzines covering content from all facets of the series, to include: Dishonored, the Knife of Dunwall DLCs, Dishonored 2, Death of the Outsider, and all accompanying comics and novels.Fanzines are anthologies collating fan-made content such as fan fiction and art. Both of our zines will feature new fan content and will be available as a physical product for sale, with profits going to a charity (TBD). Digital versions will also be available to purchase.We are seeking contributors to create new and exclusive pieces for the zines. You do not need to have any existing Dishonored content to apply. We will be recruiting around 25 page artists and 7 writers per zine along with 5 merchandise artists. Contributors must be 16 years of age or older to apply.Contributors will of course retain all rights to their work.For more information, please check out our ABOUT and FAQ.2. WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR:We are looking for artists and writers to create content that aligns with canon settings, themes, and characters of the Dishonored universe. We do allow certain non-canon events to be depicted - for example, pieces diverging from canon fates of targets are fine. We are aware that much fan work includes filling in story gaps and so on, so a little bit of canon divergence is fine.The zine will be Safe For Work (SFW) and will not predominantly feature romantic content. However, pieces that depict canon romantic relationships (i.e., Corvo x Jessamine) or those that are heavily implied may be accepted. This is ultimately up to the moderators’ discretion.This zine may also feature canon-typical violence.Ultimately, the works featured in the zine will reflect what applicants want to create. We hope to see a wide range of content!Note: As our project is open to content from across the franchise, there will be spoilers for those who haven’t played all the games or read the novels/comics.3. APPLYING:We are recruiting three types of contributors:Page artists, who will create a full single page or spread illustration for the zine.
Merchandise artists, who can create both physical and digital merchandise. Physical merchandise can include stickers, enamel pins, bookmarks, charms, and prints. Digital merchandise can include desktop/phone backgrounds, emojis, and icons.
Writers, who will create a literary piece not to exceed more than 1,500 words.Please note that each type of contribution has a separate application form, and that you may apply for multiple positions (i.e., you may apply as both a writer and a page artist), however you will only be accepted to one!When you apply, you will be asked to provide a primary portfolio of 3-5 samples of your work. For page artists, we ask that at least one piece has a completed background. For those applying to create merchandise, we ask for at least one example of previous merchandise that you have created. For writers, we ask samples of your work to be no more than 1500-2000 words. We ask that at least one writing piece is a completed work and we would prefer several completed pieces in your samples. Samples do not need to be Dishonored-related and should rather reflect your skills as a creator. You may also provide a link to a wider secondary portfolio beyond the sample portfolio you submit. Please keep samples SFW.You will also be asked to provide a maximum of 5 pitches. Pitches are rough ideas of what you would like to create for the zine, and give us a general idea of our range of potential content. Pitches can be as detailed or as sparse as you like, but providing more details is helpful to us.From our interest check, people were interested in seeing character pieces, scenery, moments from the game and short comics for art, and short fics, in-game style text, meta-analysis and poetry for written pieces, so please keep this in mind as you think about your pitches. However, do feel free to pitch some ideas outside this range as well.Note: in order to facilitate creating a wide variety of content, you may be asked to go with your secondary or tertiary pitch, so please only include pitches for what you really want to create!4. MORE INFORMATION ON PITCHES:Since we are spreading content across two zines, there are separate questions for pitches for each zine in the applications. If you are planning something that does not directly fall into a specific games’ timeline (i.e., a piece that takes place in between DH1 and DH2), just include it in either section and we will decide where it fits best!With that being said, you may apply to both the DH1 and DH2 sections of the project, and you may potentially be accepted to contribute to both!5. CREATION PERIOD:The creation period will span over 3 months. Please see the following schedule for our creation period:Pitches finalized and creation period begins: March 27th, 2022
Check-in 1: April 10th
Check-in 2: May 8th
Check-in 3: June 5th
Final submissions due: June 26thAs we plan to sell the zine with all proceeds being donated to charity, we ask that pieces are not shared online until an agreed upon time in the zine schedule. All contributors will be compensated with physical copies of the zine and merchandise if funds allow.ZINE SPECIFICATIONS:Overall Size - A5 portrait (5 - ⅞ x 8 - ¼ in or 148 x 210 mm).
Page Art - for a single page, A5 portrait; for a double page spread, A4 landscape (8 ¼ x 11 - ¾ in + ½ in bleed or 210 x 297 mm + 13 mm bleed; CMYK color profile, 300dpi)
Traditional art is welcomed but must be able to meet these specifications
Writing - maximum of 1,500 words; US-English spelling conventions.
Merchandise - TBD based on what contributors want to produce (as outlined in section 3, Applying).APPLY!We expect all zine members to be respectful to each other and to adhere to the guidelines outlined here. The mod team reserves the right to make any changes to the guidelines - if we do, we will of course inform all contributors.Applications are now closed!